International Travel

Indonesia/Malaysia – 2 weeks

The trip is focused on learning about local economies, tourist impacts on traffic congestion, the environment and conservation work with endangered species like the Orangutan in Sumatra.

Cuba – 2 weeks

This fact finding mission was aligned to support the Cuban People. Time was spent at Casa Particulars, small shops, and discussions with local Cubans centered on the US-Cuba relationship. I learned about how arts and culture support elements of the economy.

Argentina – 2 weeks

The trip explores rural agriculture and urban systems on localized economic systems. I met with small business owners, farmers, and ordinary Argentenean citizens on the impact on currency devaluations and explored local attitudes to the dual currency system between the official Pesos vs the Blue Dollar.

Brazil – 3 weeks

The trip explored local economic development systems, small business development, and tourism during festivals and during non-festival events while meeting with local business owners and ordinary Brazilians. I learned about the new climate conservation initiatives.

Mexico – 1 week

The visit was to participate in the Aspen Global Youth Opportunities Conference in Mexico City. During the visit, there were meetings with youth leaders from across the globe and change-makers from various sectors.

France, Italy, and Malta – 3 weeks

The visit was centered on learning about local agriculture, small business development, and tourism. This post-Covid trip also focused on how small and rural communities were re-engaging tourism to rebuild their economies.

Canada – 3 weeks

Visit examined post-Covid recovery in tourist sectors in Quebec City, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island from an Urban and Rural economic development through discussions with local and small business leaders.

Colombia and Peru – 2 weeks

One week in Central Colombia and one week in Lima, Peru to examine South American Covid recovery in small business development. Meetings consisted of local business owners, local residents, and focused on examining business opportunities for property and property management focused on increased tourism.

Mexico – 3 weeks

A post-Covid exploratory trip to Mexico City and Cabo San Lucas to examine the economic impacts of Covid and explore manufacturing options for health and safety equipment. The visit explored how communities opened to tourism in Mexico's urban and tourist areas.

Colombia – 4 weeks

A post-Covid trip to meet with local leaders to learn about the economic impacts of Covid on Colombia in urban and rural areas and explore local economic development in housing and urban development. Meetings consisted of educators, business leaders, and students.

Lebanon, Belgium, Canada – 6 weeks

Two and a Half weeks were spent visiting Lebanon and Belgium learning about Middle Eastern economics, food security, and water issues. Meetings included NGO leaders and learning about local and regional government relations while supporting local and small business development. Four weeks were spent in Quebec City and Montreal supporting the annual music and art festivals.

Canada – 6 weeks

During the trip to Montreal and Quebec City to learn about Quebecois culture and learn about the economic development and impact from local art and music festivals. The research was conducted through face to face meetings with local leaders, visitors, and business leaders.

Cuba, Canada, Spain – 7 weeks

During the trip to Cuba, I was on a humanitarian people to people visit where I learned about the Cuban economy, rich cultural heritage, the Cuban medical and education programs. Meetings looked at the current state of Cuban - America affairs. The research was conducted on emerging markets and economic development. The Canadian trip was focused on the music economy and tourism. The trip to Spain was for business development and to learn about the relationship between Catalonia and Spain.

Europe – 8 weeks

Eight-week visit to the countries ranging from France, Italy, Croatia, Germany, Latvia, Romania, Norway, and Iceland. Meetings looked at the current state of European Union affairs with regard to the respective countries. The research was conducted on emerging markets, economic development, career pathways, and higher education.

Ethiopia and the United Kingdom – 2 weeks

A two-week trip to visit a diversity of countries ranging from Ethiopia to the United Kingdom. I met with local officials on microfinance, small business development, and donor relations. Meetings consisted of NGO’s, government officials, and local residents.

Thailand and Cambodia – 3 weeks

Three-week visit to the Southeast Asian countries of Thailand and Cambodia to explore economic systems, small business development, international trade, and educational settings. Meetings were centered on learning about investment opportunities and environmental programs along the coastline and centered on roadside safety and rural transportation infrastructure in developing countries.

Brasil and Argentina – 8 weeks

Eight-week visit to the Southeastern countries of South America to explore institutions and economic systems. Meetings were centered on learning about sustainable environmental and education-based non-governmental organizations, culture, and seeking business opportunities. Additionally, I explored areas in which Globosocks, LLC might be able to support local NGOs through strategic partnerships with local community-based organizations.

Colombia - 3 Weeks

Three-week visit to Colombia to further explore economic systems, tourism, and small business development. Meetings were centered on learning about investment opportunities and environmental programs along the northern coast and within Tayrona National Natural Park working with indigenous communities.

Colombia and Ecuador - 6 Weeks

Six-week visit to the Northwestern region of South America to explore institutions and economic systems in relationship to educational systems and small business development. Meetings will be centered on learning about Latin American non-governmental organizations, culture, and seeking opportunities for supporting local environmental initiatives in both urban and rural settings. Additionally, I will be learning about areas in which Globosocks, LLC might be able to support local NGOs through strategic partnerships with local community-based groups.

Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Greece, Turkey, Israel - 6 Weeks

During this visit to the region, I will be exploring cultural differences among a variety of countries, reviewing of attitudes between European Union versus Non-European Union economic systems in relationship to educational systems and small business development. Included in the trip with being a dialog with rural residents and business owners as well as government officials and youth. Additionally, dialog focused on local media coverage on issues facing the various regions will be the focal point of small group discussions in the Middle East.

Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Burundi, 5 weeks

I reviewed and observed local, national, and regional issues facing health care, education, and NGO relief organizations and the delivery of services. During this visit I met with local residents, elected officials, and university faculty on program development opportunities as well as explored career pathway designs for the implementation of solar energy as a strategy for addressing building capacity within rural communities while connecting higher education students to community activities. I conducted a variety of site visits to public health clinics, schools, and learning about rural versus urban needs within the developing world. Additionally, I served as a goodwill ambassador for Project PeacePal and One Million Bones.

Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Serbia, and Turkey, 4 weeks

During this visit to the Balkans, I studied the regional issues facing the countries relative to health care, education, economic development, and the role of religion in each area. This included discussions with local residents who lived under the former Yugoslavia, during the civil war and learned firsthand some of the policy implications of the Dayton Accords. This included a variety of meetings with local residents and officials from international NGO and USAID funded projects in each country. Part this visit included a comparative look at the Genocide within the Balkans in the 1990s to the Genocide in East Africa during the approximate time period.

United Arab Emirates, Republic of South Africa and Kingdom of Swaziland, 5 weeks

Met with leaders from education, economic, workforce development, and NGO organizations to explore partnerships and learn about a myriad of issues facing South Africans including immigration issues. The review produced a diversified concept to bundle services to support families within communities. During a brief visit to Dubai, I met with educators and observed local residents in traditional areas.

Spain, Portugal, and Italy, 3 weeks

Met with representatives and observed a diverse set of organizations on issues facing these countries from educational, economic, and workforce perspectives. Reviewed and learned about immigration issues facing an influx of North Africans into border regions and the impact on complex relationships. The visit helped inform the importance of developing sustainable relationships to address common challenges with positive outcomes.

Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, and Croatia, 3 weeks

Observed and learned about issues facing the region as an observer of the integration of the ramifications of the European Union and Non-European Union states on the educational systems. Met with representatives from the University of Rijeka on civic engagement strategies for working with local NGO's to provide a complementary relationship to hands-on learning while supporting classroom curriculum.

Spain, France, and Italy, 2 ½ weeks

Reviewed and researched local and national issues around education, immigration, workforce, and economic development from a sociological perspective. Met and observed local residents learn about individual attitudes after the 2005 French protests and riots in response to the Employment Contract.

Croatia, 2 weeks

Lived and met with local residents to learn about issues facing residents and to learn about primary education systems, history of the northern region, and exploring the outlook for the future of Croatia while on a pathway to becoming a member of the European Union. Visit enabled further thought around the importance of incorporating a leveraged approach to build sustainable models for education and economic development.

France, Italy, and the Netherlands, 3 weeks

Observed discussions and held meetings on economic impacts of the emerging employment laws and the civic unrest, although through the lens of a foreigner visiting the region. Observed and met with residents about the complexities of the on-going immigration issue facing the border region of France with underrepresented populations.

Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, and France, 3 weeks

Investigated and visited rural communities and their relationship to urban areas and their focus on economic strategies for increased tourism. Explored attitudes towards membership in the European Union versus traditional country values and research linkages between economic development and workforce readiness.

Ireland and Northern, Ireland, 2 weeks

Observed and reviewed the complex relationship between Ireland and Northern, Ireland in the context of youth attitudes towards their peer groups from cross-cultural experiences. Learned about the economic relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union.

England, Belgium, France, and Canada, 3 weeks

Met with local residents on topics ranging from education, workforce, and economic development in light of the on-going transition to the Euro. In Canada, I attended the International Conference on Community Education where multi-sector approaches to improving out of school time programming for youth and families.

France and Italy, 10 days

Explored rural and urban attitudes towards the recent Euro currency transition and explored the delicate economic impact on the region. Met with small business owners on regional issues facing the development of their workforce and the relationship to strong educational outcomes by their educational institutions.

Spain and Portugal, 2 weeks

Observed attitudes by residents on the development and transition from individual country currencies to single Euro currency. Observed the impacts on individual economies in Spain and Portugal.